Play Music on the Porch Day in the Williamsburg Area: live-stream from Timothy's house

Filed under:
Timothy Seaman
Event date:
Saturday, August 28, 2021 3pm - 5pm
127 Winter E, Williamsburg, VA 23188, and via Zoom (see invitation below)

 IMG 9268 3 1 sqWe've changed plans for Play Music on the Porch Day this year!  The weather prediction is a muggy 95-degree afternoon, and I'll be wanting a more pleasant time than that!  (You may be, too.)  So I'm changing the venue to the inside of my house and I'll be playing live hammered dulcimer through a Zoom meeting room.  Feel free to tune in and listen for any or all of the two hours, and play along if you want.  I haven't live-streamed performances very many times, so this should be good practice for me.  (I do plan to use my good studio system for the sound.)

If you live nearby and want to join in at my house for any part of the time, drop me an email or message and we can plan something fun and stress-free!  No need to do anything special --- it's meant to be a time of just doing music, period.  But I bet it'll be good!

Tim Seaman

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Timothy Seaman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Live-stream music for Play Music on the Porch Day 2021!
Time: Aug 28, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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