Latest News

September 2, 2024

My monthly email newsletter has just gone out! (I missed a couple of months....) In case you aren't subscribed, here's a link to it:

April 7, 2024

My monthly music newsletter just went out; if you aren't subscribed, here's a link to it:

February 26, 2024

Our new emailing just went out!  If you're not subscribed, here's a link to the newsletter.

January 20, 2024

Our latest e-newsletter just went out!  Here's a link to it.

December 1, 2023

Our monthly music newsletter just went out; here's a link to it in case you're not subscribed:

October 31, 2023

We just sent out our monthly newsletter --- here's a link in case you're not on the list yet: Click here.

September 26, 2023

This month's music email has just gone out to subscribers! Here's a link to it in case you don't get it in your own email inbox:

September 17, 2023

Registration closes at the end of this week for the QuaranTUNE 11 Dulcimer Festival!  Timothy has four workshops and a concert set planned at this terrific online event.  Seaman

June 9, 2023

The latest music e-newsletter has gone out!  Here's a link to it.

May 2, 2023

Our monthly music e-newsletter just went out! Here's a link to it if you're interested:

April 7, 2023

We now have 8 new single audio tracks in streaming services! Here's a link to a playlist of them in Spotify.  And here's the playlist in YouTube.

March 28, 2023

This month's newsletter is out there!  Here's a link.

February 26, 2023

Our new music newsletter has just been sent out!  Here's a link to it.

January 24, 2023

Here's a link to our latest music newsletter!

October 10, 2022

Our latest music newsletter just went out!  Click this link to see it.

September 20, 2022

Did you know that all 254 of Timothy's audio tracks are available on Spotify for streaming?  We've put together a playlist in Spotify that includes them all!  We like to run them on shuffle, but you can go straight through the albums if you wish, of course.

Here's a link to our Spotify playlist.

August 26, 2022

Our latest email newsletter has been sent out!  To read it, click here.

August 15, 2021

Timothy's newest audio single release, 'To Gaze Into the Embers', is now appearing on many streaming platforms and download sites!  Here is a link to the free Youtube streaming track.

August 6, 2021

During this year we've released a few new videos of Timothy's arrangements and compositions, on his YouTube channel.  Here are the two most recent:

'To Gaze into the Embers'

'My Thoughts Linger There'

June 1, 2021

The videographer Timothy Nargi has just released an interview video of Timothy and his hammered dulcimer and thoughts --- Have a watch!

May 1, 2021

Timothy has just released his first online single track!  This has been a plan for a long time, and now we're beginning to make new tracks available this way, either free for streaming, or for buying as downloads.  Here's a link to the Youtube streaming track of 'Seneca Spring (For Laurie Jean)!

September 4, 2020

Several new blog posts have been posted recently, including this evening's about two ways of approaching the idea of achievement:

July 20, 2020

Timothy has a number of new online posts!

First, the latest blog post on the importance of moving through time;

Second, a duet video of 'Ave Maria' by Schubert with Ann Robinson; and

Third, a duet video with Ann Robinson of 'Going Home', the famous Largo by Dvorak.

July 9, 2020

We have a new blog post today!  It's some thoughts about 'giftedness'.

And this month's newsletter has been sent out, and it's linked here.

July 6, 2020

Timothy has just posted a video of his solo hammered dulcimer arrangement of the great patriotic song 'God Bless America', by Irving Berlin, for Independednce Day!  Check it out.

June 23, 2020

The website is officially updated for the 'Original Compositions' pdfs!  Here's a link to the page.

Also, the prices for all CDs have all been lowered!

June 16, 2020

Finally we're sharing news here again!  We are spending much time doing music online during this special season, plus getting ready for much more to be available online. 

For example, if you would like to try a lesson online via Zoom or Skype, let us know in an e-mail, and we'll send new information --- we've gotten very familiar with the platforms, and have given lessons to people in many locations!

And we've just updated the pdfs of Timothy's original compositions; there are now 67 pages of notation for that, if you are interested! It's in the store.  (If you order what is still called the '14' in the store, we'll see that you've ordered and will e-mail you the rest --- but hopefully soon the entire pack will be right here for you.)

And two of the big performance and teaching events are the QuaranTUNE Virtual Dulcimer Festivals: the first one was just ten days ago, and the next is in August.  You can find information about the concerts and workshops here.

December 9, 2018

This evening's event in Merchants' Square, next to Colonial Williamsburg, has been canceled --- the snow and ice just keep coming down!  There are plenty of events as the month progresses, though, and we'd love to see you at one or another.  Like, tomorrow, Monday, at Colonial Williamsburg, a solo concert called 'Vibrant Seasonal Scales and Chords'.

September 10, 2018

Sorry to have to report that the Apple Butter Festival at Shenandoah National Park has been canceled for this year because of the impending weather.... We'll see you there in a couple of weeks at Big Meadows instead!

August 12, 2018

Timothy has just updated his blog post 'Top Picks for Symphonies' with links to Youtube locations for listening to many of them --- check it out!

June 23, 2018

Timothy's new blog post recollects the making of the album Sycamore Rapids!

May 13, 2018

Timothy's new video is for Mother's Day, in memory of his mom Dorothy Mercer Seaman: 'In the Garden'!

May 1, 2018

Timothy has just published another informal video, this time an original piece on the mountain dulcimer, 'Paddle with the Kingfishers': a kayaking tune!

March 23, 2018

Timothy's newest informal video from his Seneca Rocks adventure (before the snowstorm forced him out of the state!) is a new composition, 'For Laurie Jean'>

March 19, 2018

Another informal video is posted today as well, Timothy's heartfelt rendition of the classic American West folk tune 'Home on the Range'!

March 19, 2018

Timothy has posted another new video from Seneca Rocks, West Virginia!  This one is the new composition 'Treasured Hope'.

March 17, 2018

Timothy has just published two new informal videos of solo hammered dulcimer for St. Patrick's Day, Down by the Sally Gardens and Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)!

March 13, 2018

The new episode of Virginia Water Radio features new improvisational music by Timothy in honor of that really cool bird the Killdeer!

March 4, 2018

Timothy has posted a new informal video in honor of the memory of the late Billy Graham, his new arrangement of the old hymn 'Just As I Am'!

February 12, 2018

With the reorder of our CD Celebration of Centuries we're now at over 132,500 hard copies of our albums made (plus countless downloads and streaming plays)!

January 23, 2018

We've recently upgraded our internet service at Pine Wind Music (finally!) to high-speed cable rather than DSL.  So if you are outside the area of Williamsburg, Virginia, and you would like to try lessons via Skype(TM), it's much more doable now. The images and sounds shouldn't clog up some of the time as they have in the past!  Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 757-746-8899 (or request connection in Skype --- he's the Timothy Seaman sitting at a hammered dulcimer in his photo) to discuss the best arrangement.  Here's the lessons info page.

And here's our latest e-mail newsletter, that went out today, that discusses the Skype(TM) lessons.

January 9, 2018

We just renewed membership in the Williamsburg Contemporary Art Center downtown, where they've carried our CDs for several years. If you are in the Williamsburg, VA area you might want to tour their fine gallery!

January 8, 2018

Virginia Water Radio has used a clip from our album Celebration of Centuries at the end of their new episode published today!

November 27, 2017

Virginia Water Radio published a nice Thanksgiving message last week, and they included some of our piece 'Bass Fisherman's Reel' from the album Virginia Wildlife!

November 13, 2017

With the recent reorder of CDs of our third Christmas album, Hope from on High (2008) we've now reached 132,000 discs and tapes made! (The reorder shipment should come in in a couple of weeks.)

September 12, 2017

Timothy has a new blog post on four very important features of any melody, that should be of interest and help for anyone who does music or appreciates it!

August 18, 2017

Virginia Water Radio has recently posted their new episode on night sounds, featuring clips from a new recording by Timothy of the tune 'Midnight on the Water' on hammered dulcimer!  A studio recording of the same basic arrangement can be found on the albums Quiet in the Meadow and the compilation Common Wealth.

Also, Ken Kaiser has posted a video of Timothy's stage performance at the ODPC Funfest festival in Evart, Michigan Last month!

July 25, 2017

Today's new blog post briefly discusses ways to draw on your favorite music for ideas in making new arrangements of your own!

July 20, 2017

Another new blog post today talks about Timothy's tune 'To Gaze into the Embers' and the event it commemorates, the first moon walk 46 years ago today!

July 19, 2017

Timothy's new blog post today is a short discussion of his re-reading of the great novel by C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces.

July 10, 2017

With our recent reordering of the CDs Profound Joy and Jamestown: On the Edge of a Vast Continent, we are now at 131,000 hard copies made, plus countless downloads and streaming events!

July 2, 2017

Virginia Water Radio has posted an episode about the Bald Eagle (for Independence Day, of course!) --- and they've included a short clip of a new improvisation Timothy recorded this week for the Bald Eagle! He used an Eb Woodsong bamboo flute made by Rob Yard of Floyd, Virginia (whom, incidentally, Timothy visited yesterday for the first time in a long time!).

June 26, 2017

Virginia Water Radio has just posted their latest episode, one about the Roanoke-Staunton River, and it includes a couple of clips from Timothy's composition 'Exploring the Rivers,' from the album Jamestown: On the Edge of a Vast Continent!

May 26, 2017

Timothy's latest blog post discusses the difference in approach between playing a musical instrument and using the instrument to play the music itself!

Sorry, but we've had to cancel today's event at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitors' Center --- a very rare cancellation!  Timothy just has a really bad cold, and we will soon reschedule a make-up signing event at the same location, and we'll post that in the calendar.  Have a very well Memorial Day Weekend yourself!

May 15, 2017

Timothy's new blog post briefly discusses the amazing musical phenomenon of a piece that develops over a repeating pattern of chords, and he cites the ultimate example of this, Bach's Chaconne!

April 21, 2017

Recently Virginia Water Radio featured music by one of Timothy's hammered dulcimer students, Simon Fass, on their episode about Hail!

February 6, 2017

Virginia Water Radio's episode released today features a track from our Jamestown album called 'Fingal's Cave', with Celtic harp played by Ardie Boggs.

January 12, 2017

Historic Jamestowne has made a drone video of this week's snow at James Fort, and they used a track from our Virginia Wildlife album!

December 12, 2016

Virginia Water Radio has released a new episode about the headquarters of Powhatan near here, and it includes nature sounds Timothy recorded at York River State Park as well as clips from the composition 'In Powhatan's Realm' from the album Jamestown: On the Edge of a Vast Continent!

December 9, 2016

Today we've published another Advent video, the chant 'Of the Father's Love Begotten,' on solo hammered dulcimer, arranged in parallel octaves.  A studio audio version is on the album Incarnation.

And the latest newsletter is here.

December 4, 2016

Another informal video for the Advent season has just been posted, the ancient French chant 'Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,' in Timothy's unique expressive style.

November 29, 2016

Virginia Water Radio has released their annual winter readiness episode, and it features our arrangement of 'Drive the Cold Winter Away' from the album Celebration of Centuries.

And we've just released a new informal video for the Advent season, 'Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus!'  A similar trio arrangement is also available for download in the album Incarnation.

November 23, 2016

Our newest newsletter has just been sent out; you can view it here.

November 22, 2016

We've just released a new informal video of one of Timothy's arrangements, 'Give Thanks' by Henry Smith.  Happy Thanksgiving!  A studio recording of a similar arrangement is available on the album Profound Joy.

November 16, 2016

A recent episode of Virginia Water Radio about the Hazel River here in Virginia includes two clips from my track of the same name!  The original recording is on the album Here On This Ridge, and it's also included in the compilation Common Wealth.

September 22, 2016

Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists have just released a short video describing the excavation of an early well, and they've used our music (this track is from Virginia Wildlife album) as the intro!

September 19, 2016

The new episode of Virginia Water Radio includes snippets of three of our recorded tracks!  This edition is about Virginia's rivers, and the cuts are 'Shenandoah,' (from the track 'Hazel River') from Here On This Ridge; 'Clinch Mountain Quickstep' from Sycamore Rapids; and 'Exploring the Rivers' from Jamestown: On the Edge of a Vast Continent.

August 16, 2016

Our latest newsletter has been sent out.  View it here!

July 30, 2016

Timothy's new blog post involves a practice technique of taking breaks!

July 28, 2016

Thirteen days ago, in Evart Michigan at the Original Dulcimer Club Funfest (largest dulcimer gathering in the world), Ken Kaiser made a fine video of Timothy's stage set!  View it here.

And another recent episode of Virginia Water Radio features our music!

July 9, 2016

Timothy's new blog post discusses the value of using dynamic DEVELOPMENT as part of a musical piece, something he learned early from listening to Classical music as a child!

June 8, 2016

Timothy has another new blog post, 'Using body language for expression,' briefly talking about how phrasing and tone can be affected by movement, with some examples taken from pianists' approaches!

June 6, 2016

Timothy's new blog post 'Maturing Wood' discusses how an instrument's wood changes tone character over time with much playing.

June 3, 2016

Virginia Water Radio has again included one of our clips, 'Baldcypress Swamp,' from our album Virginia Wildlife, in this episode about tree frogs!

April 14, 2016

A recent episode of Virginia Water Radio features a clip from Timothy's album Virginia Wildlife, 'Bass Fisherman's Reel'!

January 25, 2016

Virginia Water Radio has included a clip from our album Celebration of Centuries, the tune 'Drive the Cold Winter Away,' in their interesting new episode on terms used for 'snow!'

January 22, 2016

Our concert 'An Evening of Acoustic Music' at Williamsburg Regional Library has been canceled due to force majeure --- the storm! We plan to reschedule it for later this year. Stay warm!

January 17, 2016

We've posted a new video on Youtube, this time with two cameras (still experimenting with that): an original composition called 'In the House of Bread' combined with the great hymn 'For the Beauty of the Earth.'

January 12, 2016

Today's new blog post: Music sounds better in the winter!

January 10, 2016

Finally another blog post has been written! Timothy speaks of a musical glimpse into the sublime.

January 9, 2016

With our recent order of the Christmas album Incarnation, we've now made 130,000 tapes and discs!  (As well as countless downloads and many Youtube views and Spotify plays.)

January 8, 2016

Virginia Water Radio has posted another new episode that includes a clip from our album Here on this Ridge!


For more news visit: the Latest NewsNews in 2017201620152014, or 2013.

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